Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fullest of Fulls - December 12, 2008

Anybody else see the year's biggest, brightest, fullest, most epic full moon last Friday night, 12/12. It was pretty awesome... here's a shot that I got from Point Loma about 40 minutes after it came up with a 600mm lens. Unfortunately I missed it comming up over the horizon which would have been very cool.

Here is Nasa's official word on the matter...

"On Dec. 12th, the Moon becomes full a scant 4 hours after reaching perigee, making it 14% bigger and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons we've seen earlier in 2008."

You can see the whole article at:


Oh yeah, and if you were wondering why the tide was so gnarly the past few days, it's all about the Perigean Spring Tide ... NOAA has got that one covered for you below:


See you at the beach this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was the sweetest moon i've seen in a long time. it was like totally awesome. can't wait for the biggest full moon of 2009. anyone know of any really cool full moon hikes? i've done iron mountain on a full moon (highly recommended) but am looking for another cool one to do.